The Colon: Many natural healers believe all disease start in the colon.
Posted by Darrick Gardner on
Colon Blog "Many natural healers believe all disease starts in the colon!" Hippocrates was Right! All disease begins in the gut: The Colon: Functions:The colon houses trillions of bacteria that protect our gut and produce vitamins. The bacteria in the colon produce substantial amounts of vitamins by fermentation. Vitamin K and B vitamins, including biotin, are produced by the colonic bacteria. These vitamins are then absorbed into the blood.The function of the large intestine (colon) is to get rid of food left over after the nutrients are removed from it, bacteria and other waste. This process is called peristalsis and...
Things you should know about the Immune System.
Posted by Darrick Gardner on
⦁ Things you need to know about your immune system. Part (1)⦁ Immune System One of God’s greatest creations is the human body. Yet with all of its splendor and greatness, the human body’s survival is still fragile. In the world today many invisible aggressors and pollutants plague our air, water and food~ therefore our body’s defense mechanisms are very important. The immune system is a network of mechanisms and processes that keep us safe from cancer, bacteria, viruses, yeast/fungi infections, and any other toxins that may invade the body. The immune system is the body’s security force, that patrols...
What they don't tell you about diabetes.
Posted by Darrick Gardner on
Type II Diabetes Fact Sheet Is a chronic degenerative disease caused by a lack of, or resistance to, the hormone insulin, insulin is necessary in the metabolism of sugar. After we eat our blood sugars level raises as sugar is absorbed into the blood stream, this rise in the blood sugar levels causes the pancreas to produce insulin which tells the cells to take in the sugar from the blood and return blood sugar levels to normal. People with diabetes are either unable to produce insulin or their cells are resistant to insulin and are unable to move sugar...