What they don't tell you about diabetes.

Posted by Darrick Gardner on

Type II Diabetes

Fact Sheet


Is a chronic degenerative disease caused by a lack of, or resistance to, the hormone insulin, insulin is necessary in the metabolism of sugar. After we eat our blood sugars level raises as sugar is absorbed into the blood stream, this rise in the blood sugar levels causes the pancreas to produce insulin which tells the cells to take in the sugar from the blood and return blood sugar levels to normal.

People with diabetes are either unable to produce insulin or their cells are resistant to insulin and are unable to move sugar from the blood to the cells. When we have excess sugar in the blood stream it can lead to a host of problems High sugar can lead to heart and kidney disease, obesity, atherosclerosis, high pressure, strokes, cataracts, neuropathy, infections of cuts an sores, loss of hearing, blindness, loss of toes and legs, and even death.


Causes of Diabetics


A family history of this disease is a major factor, however other factors are involved, and diet and obesity are also major factors. One factor that is less talked about is our excessive consumption of sugar and carbohydrates. The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar per year and 66% is camouflaged in processed foods. One such hidden sugar is high fructose corn syrup, in a recent study, researchers found a link between high fructose used in soft drinks and food and an increase in diabetes. The food industry hides sugars in all processed foods because public awareness about eating too much sugar would cause a decline in their profits. When excess sugar consumption continues beyond healthy levels, the pancreas of most people becomes enlarged because it has to over produce insulin levels to deal with excess sugar. This high sugar intake causes the cell of the body to have too much sugar in them; therefore they resist insulin because insulin is trying to force them to accept more sugar. This in turn causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. This back and forth battle in won by the cells and they become what is called insulin resistance.


Standard treatment:


A diabetic is treated with sugar lowering drugs or insulin. These treatments have some problems. The main problem is that diabetics already has high insulin levels and injecting more insulin only increases the damaged caused by high insulin. Insulin is pro-inflammatory, which means that it directly injures arteries when over produced over long periods of time. Another problems with treating diabetes with more insulin is that the hormone released by the pancreas to enable the transport of sugar from the blood stream into the cells, directly damages the cells by forcing them to stuff themselves with more sugar and fat, and this in turn contributes to excessive weight gain, another side effect of this type of treatment. It is estimated 85% of all type II diabetics are overweight.


Natural solutions:


First, a person that is diabetic should dramatically reduce sugar and wheat in their diet and increase healthy proteins and complex carbohydrates. And reduce or stop eating processed foods because they are loaded with wheat, sugar and corn syrup. (People who only eat 30 pounds of sugar per year have a lower chance of becoming ill and they live longer.) Second, begin an exercise program to improve cardiovascular fitness and their ability to burn calories. When we start taking in much less sugar and carbohydrates in our diets, exercise causes the body to dip in fats ands carbohydrate reserves for energy. This in turn causes the pancreas to say, I can go back to producing less insulin because I see less sugar coming into the blood stream from the diet. The cells open up their receptor to allow sugar to leave the blood stream. When we consume less sugar and carbohydrates and we remove them more quickly from the blood stream due to increased exercise, the pancreas does not need to produce as much insulin. Once the blood sugar levels fall and the pancreas doesn’t have to produce as much insulin, insulin resistance goes down. Gradually, this leads back to normal blood sugar levels and insulin levels.


Third, start taking supplement to support your body returning to normal blood sugar levels and pancreas function. Divine Health Solutions has a produce designed to help your body to return to normal, that formula is called Sugar Balance.


 Sugar Balance Formula:

  This formula works to balance blood sugar levels in the body, by working on the pancreas to normalize its function. Use this formula in mild cases of diabetes to keep high blood sugar levels down. Its also works to stabilize erratic blood sugar levels when dealing with low blood sugar...This formula can be used to as a tonic for the pancreas and as a bitter tonic to improve digestion.


Suggested Usage: Take one capsule up to three times a day. Take this formula for at least 4 months. Also, take chromium picolinate.

Always, monitor blood sugar levels.


Contraindications: Juvenile onset diabetes.



These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. This information is for educational purposes only.





Type II Diabetes

Fact Sheet


Is a chronic degenerative disease caused by a lack of, or resistance to, the hormone insulin, insulin is necessary in the metabolism of sugar. After we eat our blood sugars level raises as sugar is absorbed into the blood stream, this rise in the blood sugar levels causes the pancreas to produce insulin which tells the cells to take in the sugar from the blood and return blood sugar levels to normal.

People with diabetes are either unable to produce insulin or their cells are resistant to insulin and are unable to move sugar from the blood to the cells. When we have excess sugar in the blood stream it can lead to a host of problems High sugar can lead to heart and kidney disease, obesity, atherosclerosis, high pressure, strokes, cataracts, neuropathy, infections of cuts an sores, loss of hearing, blindness, loss of toes and legs, and even death.


Causes of Diabetics


A family history of this disease is a major factor, however other factors are involved, and diet and obesity are also major factors. One factor that is less talked about is our excessive consumption of sugar and carbohydrates. The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar per year and 66% is camouflaged in processed foods. One such hidden sugar is high fructose corn syrup, in a recent study, researchers found a link between high fructose used in soft drinks and food and an increase in diabetes. The food industry hides sugars in all processed foods because public awareness about eating too much sugar would cause a decline in their profits. When excess sugar consumption continues beyond healthy levels, the pancreas of most people becomes enlarged because it has to over produce insulin levels to deal with excess sugar. This high sugar intake causes the cell of the body to have too much sugar in them; therefore they resist insulin because insulin is trying to force them to accept more sugar. This in turn causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. This back and forth battle in won by the cells and they become what is called insulin resistance.


Standard treatment:


A diabetic is treated with sugar lowering drugs or insulin. These treatments have some problems. The main problem is that diabetics already has high insulin levels and injecting more insulin only increases the damaged caused by high insulin. Insulin is pro-inflammatory, which means that it directly injures arteries when over produced over long periods of time. Another problems with treating diabetes with more insulin is that the hormone released by the pancreas to enable the transport of sugar from the blood stream into the cells, directly damages the cells by forcing them to stuff themselves with more sugar and fat, and this in turn contributes to excessive weight gain, another side effect of this type of treatment. It is estimated 85% of all type II diabetics are overweight.


Natural solutions:


First, a person that is diabetic should dramatically reduce sugar and wheat in their diet and increase healthy proteins and complex carbohydrates. And reduce or stop eating processed foods because they are loaded with wheat, sugar and corn syrup. (People who only eat 30 pounds of sugar per year have a lower chance of becoming ill and they live longer.) Second, begin an exercise program to improve cardiovascular fitness and their ability to burn calories. When we start taking in much less sugar and carbohydrates in our diets, exercise causes the body to dip in fats ands carbohydrate reserves for energy. This in turn causes the pancreas to say, I can go back to producing less insulin because I see less sugar coming into the blood stream from the diet. The cells open up their receptor to allow sugar to leave the blood stream. When we consume less sugar and carbohydrates and we remove them more quickly from the blood stream due to increased exercise, the pancreas does not need to produce as much insulin. Once the blood sugar levels fall and the pancreas doesn’t have to produce as much insulin, insulin resistance goes down. Gradually, this leads back to normal blood sugar levels and insulin levels.


Third, start taking supplement to support your body returning to normal blood sugar levels and pancreas function. Divine Health Solutions has a produce designed to help your body to return to normal, that formula is called Sugar Balance.


 Sugar Balance Formula:

  This formula works to balance blood sugar levels in the body, by working on the pancreas to normalize its function. Use this formula in mild cases of diabetes to keep high blood sugar levels down. Its also works to stabilize erratic blood sugar levels when dealing with low blood sugar...This formula can be used to as a tonic for the pancreas and as a bitter tonic to improve digestion.


Suggested Usage: Take one capsule up to three times a day. Take this formula for at least 4 months. Also, take chromium picolinate.

Always, monitor blood sugar levels.


Contraindications: Juvenile onset diabetes.



These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. This information is for educational purposes only.





Type II Diabetes

Fact Sheet


Is a chronic degenerative disease caused by a lack of, or resistance to, the hormone insulin, insulin is necessary in the metabolism of sugar. After we eat our blood sugars level raises as sugar is absorbed into the blood stream, this rise in the blood sugar levels causes the pancreas to produce insulin which tells the cells to take in the sugar from the blood and return blood sugar levels to normal.

People with diabetes are either unable to produce insulin or their cells are resistant to insulin and are unable to move sugar from the blood to the cells. When we have excess sugar in the blood stream it can lead to a host of problems High sugar can lead to heart and kidney disease, obesity, atherosclerosis, high pressure, strokes, cataracts, neuropathy, infections of cuts an sores, loss of hearing, blindness, loss of toes and legs, and even death.


Causes of Diabetics


A family history of this disease is a major factor, however other factors are involved, and diet and obesity are also major factors. One factor that is less talked about is our excessive consumption of sugar and carbohydrates. The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar per year and 66% is camouflaged in processed foods. One such hidden sugar is high fructose corn syrup, in a recent study, researchers found a link between high fructose used in soft drinks and food and an increase in diabetes. The food industry hides sugars in all processed foods because public awareness about eating too much sugar would cause a decline in their profits. When excess sugar consumption continues beyond healthy levels, the pancreas of most people becomes enlarged because it has to over produce insulin levels to deal with excess sugar. This high sugar intake causes the cell of the body to have too much sugar in them; therefore they resist insulin because insulin is trying to force them to accept more sugar. This in turn causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. This back and forth battle in won by the cells and they become what is called insulin resistance.


Standard treatment:


A diabetic is treated with sugar lowering drugs or insulin. These treatments have some problems. The main problem is that diabetics already has high insulin levels and injecting more insulin only increases the damaged caused by high insulin. Insulin is pro-inflammatory, which means that it directly injures arteries when over produced over long periods of time. Another problems with treating diabetes with more insulin is that the hormone released by the pancreas to enable the transport of sugar from the blood stream into the cells, directly damages the cells by forcing them to stuff themselves with more sugar and fat, and this in turn contributes to excessive weight gain, another side effect of this type of treatment. It is estimated 85% of all type II diabetics are overweight.


Natural solutions:


First, a person that is diabetic should dramatically reduce sugar and wheat in their diet and increase healthy proteins and complex carbohydrates. And reduce or stop eating processed foods because they are loaded with wheat, sugar and corn syrup. (People who only eat 30 pounds of sugar per year have a lower chance of becoming ill and they live longer.) Second, begin an exercise program to improve cardiovascular fitness and their ability to burn calories. When we start taking in much less sugar and carbohydrates in our diets, exercise causes the body to dip in fats ands carbohydrate reserves for energy. This in turn causes the pancreas to say, I can go back to producing less insulin because I see less sugar coming into the blood stream from the diet. The cells open up their receptor to allow sugar to leave the blood stream. When we consume less sugar and carbohydrates and we remove them more quickly from the blood stream due to increased exercise, the pancreas does not need to produce as much insulin. Once the blood sugar levels fall and the pancreas doesn’t have to produce as much insulin, insulin resistance goes down. Gradually, this leads back to normal blood sugar levels and insulin levels.


Third, start taking supplement to support your body returning to normal blood sugar levels and pancreas function. Divine Health Solutions has a produce designed to help your body to return to normal, that formula is called Sugar Balance.


 Sugar Balance Formula:

  This formula works to balance blood sugar levels in the body, by working on the pancreas to normalize its function. Use this formula in mild cases of diabetes to keep high blood sugar levels down. Its also works to stabilize erratic blood sugar levels when dealing with low blood sugar...This formula can be used to as a tonic for the pancreas and as a bitter tonic to improve digestion.


Suggested Usage: Take one capsule up to three times a day. Take this formula for at least 4 months. Also, take chromium picolinate.

Always, monitor blood sugar levels.


Contraindications: Juvenile onset diabetes.



These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. This information is for educational purposes only.





Type II Diabetes

Fact Sheet


Is a chronic degenerative disease caused by a lack of, or resistance to, the hormone insulin, insulin is necessary in the metabolism of sugar. After we eat our blood sugars level raises as sugar is absorbed into the blood stream, this rise in the blood sugar levels causes the pancreas to produce insulin which tells the cells to take in the sugar from the blood and return blood sugar levels to normal.

People with diabetes are either unable to produce insulin or their cells are resistant to insulin and are unable to move sugar from the blood to the cells. When we have excess sugar in the blood stream it can lead to a host of problems High sugar can lead to heart and kidney disease, obesity, atherosclerosis, high pressure, strokes, cataracts, neuropathy, infections of cuts an sores, loss of hearing, blindness, loss of toes and legs, and even death.


Causes of Diabetics


A family history of this disease is a major factor, however other factors are involved, and diet and obesity are also major factors. One factor that is less talked about is our excessive consumption of sugar and carbohydrates. The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar per year and 66% is camouflaged in processed foods. One such hidden sugar is high fructose corn syrup, in a recent study, researchers found a link between high fructose used in soft drinks and food and an increase in diabetes. The food industry hides sugars in all processed foods because public awareness about eating too much sugar would cause a decline in their profits. When excess sugar consumption continues beyond healthy levels, the pancreas of most people becomes enlarged because it has to over produce insulin levels to deal with excess sugar. This high sugar intake causes the cell of the body to have too much sugar in them; therefore they resist insulin because insulin is trying to force them to accept more sugar. This in turn causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. This back and forth battle in won by the cells and they become what is called insulin resistance.


Standard treatment:


A diabetic is treated with sugar lowering drugs or insulin. These treatments have some problems. The main problem is that diabetics already has high insulin levels and injecting more insulin only increases the damaged caused by high insulin. Insulin is pro-inflammatory, which means that it directly injures arteries when over produced over long periods of time. Another problems with treating diabetes with more insulin is that the hormone released by the pancreas to enable the transport of sugar from the blood stream into the cells, directly damages the cells by forcing them to stuff themselves with more sugar and fat, and this in turn contributes to excessive weight gain, another side effect of this type of treatment. It is estimated 85% of all type II diabetics are overweight.


Natural solutions:


First, a person that is diabetic should dramatically reduce sugar and wheat in their diet and increase healthy proteins and complex carbohydrates. And reduce or stop eating processed foods because they are loaded with wheat, sugar and corn syrup. (People who only eat 30 pounds of sugar per year have a lower chance of becoming ill and they live longer.) Second, begin an exercise program to improve cardiovascular fitness and their ability to burn calories. When we start taking in much less sugar and carbohydrates in our diets, exercise causes the body to dip in fats ands carbohydrate reserves for energy. This in turn causes the pancreas to say, I can go back to producing less insulin because I see less sugar coming into the blood stream from the diet. The cells open up their receptor to allow sugar to leave the blood stream. When we consume less sugar and carbohydrates and we remove them more quickly from the blood stream due to increased exercise, the pancreas does not need to produce as much insulin. Once the blood sugar levels fall and the pancreas doesn’t have to produce as much insulin, insulin resistance goes down. Gradually, this leads back to normal blood sugar levels and insulin levels.


Third, start taking supplement to support your body returning to normal blood sugar levels and pancreas function. Divine Health Solutions has a produce designed to help your body to return to normal, that formula is called Sugar Balance.


 Sugar Balance Formula:

  This formula works to balance blood sugar levels in the body, by working on the pancreas to normalize its function. Use this formula in mild cases of diabetes to keep high blood sugar levels down. Its also works to stabilize erratic blood sugar levels when dealing with low blood sugar...This formula can be used to as a tonic for the pancreas and as a bitter tonic to improve digestion.


Suggested Usage: Take one capsule up to three times a day. Take this formula for at least 4 months. Also, take chromium picolinate.

Always, monitor blood sugar levels.


Contraindications: Juvenile onset diabetes.



These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. This information is for educational purposes only.